Graffiti Wien #1, 1984–1999

Publisher: Maike Hettinger, Stefan Wogrin
Seiten: 272 Seiten,
Format: 26,2 × 31,5 cm,
Text: German & English
The book series ‘Graffiti Vienna’ presents the 40-year history of the graffiti writing movement in the Austrian capital. The authors have painstakingly compiled, organized, and selected thousands of photos and information. The first volume in the series covers the period from 1984 to 1999, during which time graffiti in Vienna developed from a marginal phenomenon to a recognized art form. The book sheds light on the beginnings of the graffiti scene in Vienna, its development, and its engagement with the public. However, the roots of graffiti culture go back much further. The authors search for traces back to the 4th century AD.
The book series ‘Graffiti Vienna’ is a comprehensive and detailed account of graffiti culture in Vienna and a must for anyone interested in this lively art form.